

You can share your items with an extended neighbourhood by registering your stickers on the Pumpipumpe online map. Oftentimes mailboxes are somewhat hidden or even inside a building. If you wish to share with more people than just your direct neighbours then register your mailbox on our map and enter the items you are able to lend there.

This online map helps you to find the right object without leaving your couch. It facilitates the first contact between neighbours.

If your mailbox happens to be inside a building, simply post an additional doorbell sticker next to your bell outside. That way the person who wishes to borrow your bike pump knows where to ring. It's important to note that the online map does not replace the simplicity of an analog sharing approach. One still has to ring at the neighbours door to ask! It is just the search for items that is simplified. It may be the case that someone has a pasta machine which they are willing to lend which is very close to your neighbourhood street but you just don’t happen to pass it during your daily life.